Saturday, April 19, 2008

Colds, vacuums and Uncle Kurts

Shayden's absolute favorite thing is to chase the vacuum when I turn it on. She also loves to lay her head anywhere to rest it, but she doesn't stay in one spot very long. When Paul or I lay on the ground she likes to lay her head on your face or neck or anywhere she can. I wonder why she does that.

Here's Shayden in her high chair being sick. That video in the other post didn't work very well because of the lighting. This picture showed her sad eyes a little better.

This is Uncle Kurt just coming home from Iraq. We went down on Wednesday to see him come. Afterward we went to IHOP to have some yummy food.

Over the sickness...finally

Shayden and I are just getting over a pretty nasty cold/earache/puffy eye sickness which has been no fun at all. Now we just have a slight cough and runny nose...not too bad. This video was taken about a week and a half ago when it was at it's worst.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Beautiful Weather Calls for Some Smiles

Here's Shayden pullin' a cute one.

I thought this video was a perfect example of Shayden the past few days. She follows me around with the camera and if you watch the floor you can see that she has pulled out a binder, strewn pages about, pulled out all of our DVD's, etc. etc. Life is great as a 10-month-old. You get a lot more freedom and you discover lots of cool stuff.
We're excited for Conference tomorrow and Sunday. Paul only has 3 more weeks of class and then finals---and then it's summer break!