Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Daddy, colds and sheep

Shayden calls Paul Daddy in an English accent and she calls me "Manny." She can say mom just fine; I wonder why she twisted it.

I've been just getting over a cold the past few days. Growing up I'd get a cold sore on my nose, which happened this time. Paul said yesterday, "Ewe...I still love you, don't worry."

There are these sheep over by Lee's Marketplace that have the whitest wool ever! I think the owner must bleach them.


Alesha said...

Ive never heard of anyone else getting cold sores on there nose! ME TOO! I swear it is the worst because people arent expecting a cold sore to be on the nose!

Maren said...

Raychel, that is so funny because I recently got over a cold and a cold sore (not on my nose though). Having a cold while being very pregnant isn't much fun at all.

Raychel said...

Amen to that.