Friday, April 4, 2008

Beautiful Weather Calls for Some Smiles

Here's Shayden pullin' a cute one.

I thought this video was a perfect example of Shayden the past few days. She follows me around with the camera and if you watch the floor you can see that she has pulled out a binder, strewn pages about, pulled out all of our DVD's, etc. etc. Life is great as a 10-month-old. You get a lot more freedom and you discover lots of cool stuff.
We're excited for Conference tomorrow and Sunday. Paul only has 3 more weeks of class and then finals---and then it's summer break!


Alesha said...

Ok I totally think she looks just like you! She is only 10 months? She is a great walker!

Unknown said...

I have to disagree with Stiletto, but I really think she looks like Paul. If my memory serves me correctly from your wedding. It is so fun when they are walking around.

Where are you living in the Valley?


Lynette said...

Look at her go!!! She is so stinkin cute!

bridget said...

The video is too cute! I love how she's following you around. She's doing super great for 10 months!

Sharon said...

Raychel! Shayden is so cute, she has the prettiest eyes! Its so great that you have a blog, i have one too, now we can keep in touch better!
PS- you're to cool for 7th grade