Monday, August 24, 2009

New Stages

Gavon's new favorite thing is to crawl head first off the diaper changing table. I can't let him go when I change his diaper. I've resulted to tickling him the whole time so he stays still.

Shayden has been harder to feed lately. She doesn't want to sit down for meals, and then doesn't eat when I get her to sit. She's resulted to stealing a string cheese from the fridge bottom drawer whenever she can. She's repeating everything I say, and she tells me what she sees. Editing media for her has really become a priority for me. "Oh look, man on fire...those birds hit wall..." Or something like that. She loves Spiderman, and wants to watch the movies a lot. I let her watch them once and I had to turn it off...too much cooking, I mean, killing. Wow, I'm out of it right now. I should probably sleep. Shayden has also all of a sudden become scared of tigers at night. She doesn't sleep good anymore, and has to have me sleep by her in the middle of the night when she wakes up. When she falls asleep, and throughout the night she cuddles her water bottle...strange, huh.


Katy said...

I haven't been to your blog forever. The kiddos are so big! Sorry to hear about Shay's surgery, but glad it went well. I cannot believe how big your Gavon is...but then again, my Gavin is big, so yours must be too. :) That is so cool about Kami! YEAH!!!

Lynette said...

Sounds like you've got lots going on...nothing like being a mom. I hope you survived without Paul. You are such a trooper. I barely make when Jon is gone for two days. Your kids are so stinkin cute. I'm so glad they are MY neice and nephew! :) You do such a good job with them.

Angeli said...

I will bring you something for Shayden's surgery. Hopefully she will sleep better. Can't wait to see you ShefferReunion!