Monday, September 15, 2008

Lake Powell

My mom and dad came up last week to help Lisa with anything and to see family. We had a little BBQ at Second Dam and my mom helped me with peaches that next Monday. Shayden loves peaches.

Don, Sharon, Robert, Jill, Grandma and Grandpa were all able to come for some great food and a good time.
Kami is doing a sweet move here. Alisa is too, but Kami's got the cool angle.
Me and Alisa!
Lake Powell! We just got back yesterday. Trisa and Jared were so awesome to let us stay at there house Saturday night, and Trisa gave Shayden some toys to play with in the car. That totally helped the time go by. Here is Shayden waking up in the morning. The sunrise was gorgeous but was just covered by the tent. The Steiners were way awesome to let us come and play with them. Paul had a ball tubing and taking the wave runners out. He got elbowed in the head, but that was the only injury. Oh yah, Cuyler jumped like 10 feet in the air jumping a wave with the wave runner and got some blood all over the handle bars from his hand hitting so hard. Everyone was pretty sore, but it was fun. Shay and I played on the sand for the most part. It's a bummer to have to miss out when you're pregnant. It was funny, Monica said she took a picture of when I was trying to lay Shayden down for a nap. She was so tired, so I'd set up the crib in the shade and lay her down, but she would just play around and smile. I sat by her thinking she would fall asleep and totally fell asleep myself. Yah, she didn't even sleep the whole time except for the boat ride we took her on.

I added a little video of Shayden playing in the bathroom before church too.

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