Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blog Worthy

OK, I think it's worth the effort to blog.

On a side note, I decided to make a list of everything Shayden loves to do, but knows she shouldn't.

*Running with my knitting needles...she might turn out like her dad, except her dad was running with a javelin.
*Playing in the flour, sugar, rice buckets.
*Throwing potting soil from our "garden."
*Going to the park by herself.
*Running away from us when she knows we need to stay put; like in church or something.

...the list goes on.


Rory and Melissa Peterson said...

Aah the fun of keeping up with a 2 year old. Our latest issue is keeping Nicole from eating the "tree stars" (leaves) off the houseplants.

Lisa said...

Toddlerhood. There's a reason they call this age "terrible." but you also get to be there as she learns to talk and show more and more of her sweet personality. win some, lose some I suppose.

Angeli said...

Only a Mom could keep up with it. Good work Raychel.