Thursday, May 27, 2010

Baby Mantz and Booger Story

I went in for my ultrasound on Shayden's birthday Monday morning. The baby's heart was beating at 175 bpm, and he was wiggling around just a little bit every now and then. Gavon's first ultrasound, he was perfectly still, and Shayden was flailing her arms and legs like crazy. Every kid was different. I was exactly 9 weeks that morning. I thought I was farther along than that, but we weren't sure. My due date is Dec 27. Christmas baby!

At the first apt. your supposed to sign a bunch of finance papers, and while I was talking to the lady, Shayden was picking her nose. I looked at her and asked, "Do you want a tissue?" Shayden, "No." Two minutes later, "Let me get you a tissue." The lady got out a box and had her grab a tissue. She tried to blow, but still had a big booger on her finger. When she went to throw the tissue away I asked, "Did you get the booger in the garbage too?" Shayden, "Yah." "Woop, it's still on your finger honey." The garbage was under the lady's desk at her feet. Flick, not luck; tried again, no luck. A little bit of help, and we got it. I thought it was so funny. My mom was there too. The lady seemed pretty grossed out.

Shayden wanted to see the baby, so I let her come to the ultrasound. She kept saying, "Cute little baby!"

1 comment:

Katy said...

Glad everything went well with your ultrasound. It sounds like you have put in an "order" for a boy then since you called "it" "he...?" :) I laughed about the booger story. It sounds exactly like our house. Do you need a tissue? No. (but her finger is clear up her nose). sigh. :)