Sunday, March 29, 2009

Garden Attempt

I'm venturing a garden! Yah, you're probably saying go Raychel! You can do it.... But it's already hitting rock bottom, and it's my first day. I planted peas yesterday and then, we got 2-3 inches of snow this morning. I covered them with a tarp, so we'll see if they survive. We'll have 4 tomato plants, 2 zuchini squash plants and then a bunch of sugar snap peas. That's all I dare to try at first. Maybe next year I'll do peppers, spices, cucumbers, and other daring things.

I saw a baby today with leg!

Paul bought a nice new road bike off of KSL yesterday that he's real excited about. He's going to ride it to work over the summer.

I've been doing lots of stuff through Early Head Start...way cool! They had a parenting conference yesterday and I learned about 72 hour kits, gardening, and got some good scrapbooking ideas. I get so excited when I learn cool things. I feel like my personality learns best by example. "This is how you do it," goes a lot farther for me than "There you go...explore your options." I decided to sign Shayden up for Early Head Start to have a guiding hand in the way I teach her.

Disciplining has been a hoot. Oh, man. I've gone from, "What do I do?" to "This is how it is." I went to a Love and Logic class offered in Logan, and I'm getting more of an idea of what I feel is right. It's been hard for me because I would let Shayden do whatever she wanted until she got to be about 12 months. Then she needed more of a boundary to learn. I'll keep you updated on the happenin's

1 comment:

steveandemilee said...

Yay Raychel! Good for you for doing the gardening thing. Your yard has such great potential, too! I saw the coolest thing on Martha Stewart the other day (comes on during lunch while at work), you shoud check it out!
Anyway, she has like, a billion things on vegetable gardens--it is all the rage with the economy how it is. So good luck!