Fall turned into winter a little too quick for me. The trees are gorgeous in Logan, but only some of them have changed in the valley and it already started snowing. A thin layer was on the ground this morning.
Yesterday, Paul and I smoked a turkey. Imagine Homer Simpson thinking about donuts and that's how I feel about smoked turkey. Ugh! It's just so good...nice and juicy smoked flavor. Cody and Lisa let us use some of their apple tree branches and Cody came over before and then after church. Lisa also let me use some of her fresh thyme for the marinade. Shayden LOVED it. She had a little bit of potatoes, her brocoli, one bite of roll and if she would have had the whole plate of turkey it would have been half gone before she would have stopped.
Also, here's a video of Shayden as I was sweeping the floor. We found a potato bug and she went into the front room, grabbed Paul's shoe, came back and mashed it. I only got a video of the aftermath. (A side note: She gets into trouble when she pushes buttons on my phone.) That same day Paul was taking a nap and she walked in the room, started blowing him kisses and shut the door. That's what I do when I leave her for a nap. She's so funny.
Yummy!! I loved smoked turkey!! I will have to do one sometime.
So this random, but we have a high chair like yours, and I have always figured that hook on the front must hang the tray somewhere, but I never could figure out where. Now I see on the picture how to hang it up! Now I don't have to wonder anymore.
I don't remember if I told you, but we have a blog too. I am just figuring out how to do it, so it's not too great, but the address is http://rmpeterson.blogspot.com/.
I'm ready for Thanksgiving now! Shayden is so adorable! I can't believe how much she's talking. Sweet!
How fun! I totally hear you about turkey...I craved it all the time with Sennika. Shay is a hoot! Isn't if funny (and AMAZING) what they catch on to!
I love smoked turkey how did you do it? You look beautiful and I can't believe you are that close to your due date how fun.
Good luck,
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