Thursday, July 31, 2008

Two Posts in One: First words and Eebee Jeebees

Shayden is starting to use more words. I would say her first word was "Shoe." She says that word the best. She also says "bah" for ball, "hah" for hot, "uh" for uh oh, and "out" for ouch. She really likes to put on shoes big or small.

Speaking of shoes, I was putting on these slippers that Paul got me for Christmas, nice fluffy ones, this morning to take Paul to work. When I stuck my foot in I said to myself, "Usually I can only feel the tag, but there's another bump in there. Mmmm...I guess Shay stuck something in it." So I tried to get it out with my foot a couple times and a big spider came out and ran behind our bedroom door. blawapakajawa. I started screaming and thought I would faint or throw up or both. Ugh! I hate spiders. I got Paul to kill one already this morning, and they're not small either...they're about the size of a half dollar coin. It took me a while before I could put the slipper back on so we could go. We've had spiders and earwigs and other bugs roaming around our house the past month. Maybe we'll move into an upstairs apartment in our complex in the next while to get away from it. Blah!

Paul is finally home! Yeah! He had a blast camping and is now getting ready for A.T. We'll leave on Saturday. It's nice he'll stay close to home...only have to go as far as Camp Williams.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

jayne says uh oh, and no, and ya, and yum and then just jabbers (like she's telling us a story)

ug, i ALWAYS check my shoes for spiders, they kreep me out but i have no problem killing them! if they are in my house they are in my turf. you should spray, that normally keeps the bugs outta my house.
-Sharon the spider killer